Children’s Programs

Shuvah has children’s programs for various age groups!

Children’s Shabbat School

The Shuvah Yisrael Shabbat School meets each week during the second half of the Shabbat service. Classes are for children age 3 and up, through grade 6, and are open to members, regular attendees and visitors at no charge. The specific number of classes and the age range of each class depend upon the number and age of students at the beginning of the school year (September).

The objectives of the Shabbat School program at Shuvah Yisrael are:

  • to develop and strengthen the children’s faith in and love for God;
  • to teach the children their Jewish heritage;
  • to set a foundation for living life according to God’s Word as Messianic Jews.

Through our curriculum, the children learn the Jewish calendar and holidays, basic Hebrew prayers, the Jewish life cycle and its accompanying celebrations. Each class also includes a time of Torah, Haftorah and/or Besorah teaching. Classes are designed to be interesting and fun.

Bar and Bat Mitzvah Training

Shuvah Yisrael provides training for Messianic Jewish young people so they may fulfill the mitzvah of being called to the Torah to chant the Hebrew text. More importantly we prepare the young people so that they understand what it means to be a Bar/Bat Mitzvah and are equipped to take their place among the community of Israel and live a life of covenant commitment. Bar/Bat Mitzvah training includes peer interaction, adult mentoring, and one on one training with a rabbi.

We also prepare the parents of the future Bar/Bat Mitzvah and involve them in the training and mentoring of their children. Jewish adults who have never undergone a Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony may choose to prepare themselves and memorialize this important event.